Super Jots

Share Kindness
The story behind Super Jots

I started Super Jots during a time when I was struggling with indecision, self-confidence, depression, and a lot of self-doubt.

I started making the “Super Day” cards and handing them out as I went about my normal day. I handed them to people at work and random people I came across. It is really exciting, and it is still something I do. My kids love handing them out as well. To date, I’ve handed out a few hundred cards. 

The number of cards is nothing world-changing, but I keep doing it for my well-being. While struggling through my issues, I often failed and was swept up in my thoughts of self-doubt. During these times, I was in a near catatonic state and would rarely communicate, let alone do anything. I know some people go through so much worse than me, and my heart also aches for them.

My wife and kids kept supporting me, and I eventually worked up the courage to start doing little crafts around the house. This was not easy for me. Things that generally take a few hours to complete turned into weeks and months because I always felt like I was wasting my time, or I would look at what I was making and think, “This is horrible. Nobody wants to see this trash.”

Some of these projects were finally completed, but the self-doubt crept in again, and it took me another couple of months to get the courage to share my work with others outside my wife and kids. 

Working on and seeing the art pieces throughout their creation brings me so much joy. I infuse quite a bit of emotion and care into each piece. I want Super Jots to continue to spread kindness. 

Check out our content on Instagram and YouTube.

(We’re also on Facebook, but we haven’t quite figured it out yet…)